Batman: Black and White #3

The latest issue of the Batman black-and-white anthology series is highlighted by a tale of Alfred's tale of Batman and Robin battling aliens written and drawn by Rian Hughes hearkening back to the odd 60s adventures of the Caped Crusader and Boy Wonder. The art is fantastic (including a detailed plan of the Batcave) as the Dynamic Duo call on the help of Tal-Dar to take on a villain warping language and reality.

Batman: Black and White #3 also includes Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy forced into the role of heroes when a scared little girl fleeing a kidnapper crosses their path in a tale from Paul Dini and Stephanie Roux, and Marv Wolfman and Riccardo Burchielli team-up to offer a tale of Batman trying to save a man on death row.

There's also an opening tale by Lee Bermejo about Batman's team-up with a young Jason Todd, and a beautifully rendered (if ultimately kinda empty) tale from Damion Scott featuring Batman chasing various members of his rogues gallery around a hall of mirrors. Worth a look. Worth a look.

[DC, $4.99]

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