Worlds' Finest #16

With Power Girl's powers on the fritz, Huntress goes it alone trying to bring down a super-powered arsonist targeting models, fashion designers, and the wealthy elite. Over-powered, Helena eventually calls in her best friend who is able to help put out the latest blaze but isn't strong enough to stop the super-villain from making her escape.

The revolving door on artists for this title continues as R. B. Silva steps in to do the artwork for Worlds' Finest #16. Although I like Silva's work, here it has a sharpness and edge to it that doesn't always fit the characters, particularly the panels of Karen Starr out of costume (which I can't say for sure is the fault of Silva or the heavy inks of Joe Weems).

Although Power Girl is able to hold it together for the issue's fight with a New 52 villain who isn't named, it appears the story of the hero's wonky powers is going to continue for at least the next few issues. Given Karen's issues, Huntress carries the bulk of the story well on her own, even if the bad guy gets away. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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