Reverse-Flash #1
I've been very selective in my choices for the villain .1 issues DC has put out as part of their Forever Evil tie-in. Some have been okay, while others have been mass printed travesties (kind of like the New 52 in general). I was hopeful for The Flash #23.2 as timing actually matched up well for co-writers Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato to offer up the origins of the New 52's version of the Reverse-Flash. As my pal Aaron likes to say, some presents are best left unwrapped.
There's really no kind way to state how awful this comic truly is. I can't lay the blame at artist Scott Hepburn who does a fair, if somewhat uninspired, job standing in for Manapul. I can, however, blame the two writers who spend an entire issue focusing on what only can be described as a whiny bitch of a character.
This comic, and Danny West's constant complaining, are brutally uninteresting. He whines about his childhood. He whines about his father. He whines about the accident that gave him super-powers. He whines, in case you haven't gotten the point, incessantly.
I'm actually glad DC decided not to use Professor Zoom for the new version of the character as I can only imagine how angry I'd be if DC Editorial turned him into something this pathetic. Pass.
[DC, $2.99]
There's really no kind way to state how awful this comic truly is. I can't lay the blame at artist Scott Hepburn who does a fair, if somewhat uninspired, job standing in for Manapul. I can, however, blame the two writers who spend an entire issue focusing on what only can be described as a whiny bitch of a character.
This comic, and Danny West's constant complaining, are brutally uninteresting. He whines about his childhood. He whines about his father. He whines about the accident that gave him super-powers. He whines, in case you haven't gotten the point, incessantly.
I'm actually glad DC decided not to use Professor Zoom for the new version of the character as I can only imagine how angry I'd be if DC Editorial turned him into something this pathetic. Pass.
[DC, $2.99]