Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Animated Adventures #3
Unable to sleep after his zombie marathon, Michelangelo leaves the sewers and hits the streets of New York only to find actually mindless zombies doing the Kraang's dirty work. At first his brothers are far from receptive to the idea, but under Splinter's orders Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello follow their brother topside to find out just what the hell is going on.
Although the aren't exactly zombies, the turtles are forced to deal with hundreds of New Yorkers sleep walking and delivering technological components to the Kraang. Without doing too much damage to the brainwashed sleepwalkers, and rescuing Dr. Sloane (the scientist whose research the villains from Dimension X have corrupted for their own purposes), the Heroes in a Half-Shell will set-out to save the day once more.
Any issue that forces the other turtles to take Mikey seriously is a good one. Although they aren't really zombies, Mikey's knowledge of the walking dead not only discovers the problem but helps the turtles defeat the Kraang. Worth a look.
[IDW, $3.99]
Although the aren't exactly zombies, the turtles are forced to deal with hundreds of New Yorkers sleep walking and delivering technological components to the Kraang. Without doing too much damage to the brainwashed sleepwalkers, and rescuing Dr. Sloane (the scientist whose research the villains from Dimension X have corrupted for their own purposes), the Heroes in a Half-Shell will set-out to save the day once more.
Any issue that forces the other turtles to take Mikey seriously is a good one. Although they aren't really zombies, Mikey's knowledge of the walking dead not only discovers the problem but helps the turtles defeat the Kraang. Worth a look.
[IDW, $3.99]