Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #25
"City Fall" continues as the Foot Clan goes to war with the Savate and all sides deal with fallout of Leonardo joining the Foot as the Shredder's new second-in-command. For April and Casey that means getting a little closer, for Raphael it means hitting the streets (and anything else that gets in his way), for Karai it means growing dissatisfaction with her diminished new role, and for Splinter it means seeking the help of an untrustworthy enemy.
"City Fall" continues to deliver as we learn more about the limits of Kitsune's control of Leonardo's mind (laying the groundwork to bring the Turtle back to the Light Side) as well as Karai's contingency plan concerning a pair of classic TMNT characters finally making their first appearance in the comic.
With the promise of the addition of Rocksteady and Bebop, and more of Alopex and Karai, the full roster is filling out nicely. My only real complaint with the comic is the inconsistent art from artist Mateus Santolouco whose style is at time distracting. Worth a look.
[IDW, $3.99]
"City Fall" continues to deliver as we learn more about the limits of Kitsune's control of Leonardo's mind (laying the groundwork to bring the Turtle back to the Light Side) as well as Karai's contingency plan concerning a pair of classic TMNT characters finally making their first appearance in the comic.
With the promise of the addition of Rocksteady and Bebop, and more of Alopex and Karai, the full roster is filling out nicely. My only real complaint with the comic is the inconsistent art from artist Mateus Santolouco whose style is at time distracting. Worth a look.
[IDW, $3.99]