Person of Interest - Liberty
Person of Interest's Third Season opens up with Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Finch (Michael Emerson) calling on the help of Shaw, Fusco (Kevin Chapman), and the recently demoted Officer Carter (Taraji P. Henson) to help save a stand-up Naval petty officer (Rey Valentin) and his less scrupulous best friend (Alano Miller) whose sticky fingers while helping a group of Marine smugglers has put them both in danger.
I'm happy to see the Shaw has stuck around (hopefully for the long haul) as Shahi steals some of the episode's best moments including her crack sniper shooting to save Reese's life during the Mexican stand-off. The episode's B-story shows us that Root (Amy Acker) isn't going away anytime soon either as the mental patient struggles with her desire to please The Machine, which has kept in contact, while trying not to displease it by killing her smug psychologist (Bruce Altman) whom she very much wants dead. Elias (Enrico Colantoni) makes an appearance as well as the former mob boss has continued staying in hiding after Carter saved his life in last season's finale, but has already begun plans to regain his lost power.
With the inclusion of Root and Shaw, "Liberty" gives us a regular Person of Interest episode with some nice twists. It will be interesting to see how long Carter keeps Elias' whereabouts a secret, especially to Reese who may have recognized the man's handwriting on Carter's tip leading the group to a Russian fence which allowed Reese and Shaw to save their latest number. As for Shaw and Root, I'm hoping the show gives us big doses of both throughout the entire season (and beyond?).