Atomic Robo Presents Real Science Adventures #11

Dangerous technology in the wrong hands is the common theme of all three stories in Atomic Robo Presents Real Science Adventures #11. In the main tale, Nikola Tesla and his team are attacked by the Black Coat Army agents of the Triumvirate. Scattered, and with their base destroyed, the various agents eventually find themselves taken captive in the secret underground tunnels of New York City where the scope of Franklin Reade, Robert Trydan, and Jack Wright's plans are finally revealed.

The same theme runs through the first back-up story which features an Oval Office conversation between President Harry Truman and James Forrestal concerning the creation of a secret government science program to weaponize stolen Tesla technology.

The second back-up story, years later, involves Atomic Robo answering a distress call from the military who have gotten into a spot of trouble into the Vampire Dimension while using that same lost technology (a fact that doesn't go unnoticed by the incensed Robo). Worth a look.

[Red 5, $2.75]

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