Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Animated Adventures #2

The second issue of the new comic based on the current Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon pits our foursome of amphibious ninjas against Snakeweed who has turned Manhattan into a jungle.

Although Snakeweed is far from my favorite TMNT villain, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Animated Adventures #2 does provide some fun interactions between the characters: Michelangelo attacking a Central Park tree after mistaking it for Snakeweed, Leonardo's angry diatribe about the evils of nature when it ruins his sci-fi marathon (and another heroic call to action the earns Raphael's disapproval), and a courteous nod to the original cartoon as April O'Neil makes her first report for Channel 6 News.

Where I though the first issue did a terrific job of kicking off the new series, issue #2 is solid and enjoyable comic but it's certainly a (small) step down from issue #1 (although fans of Snakeweed may enjoy this one more than I did). Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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