Monday, August 5, 2013

Morning Glories #29

Reset. Early in Season Two the events begun in Season One come to a tipping point as Irina's coup, Hunter's time travel, and Casey's past adventures all bring the Morning Glories students to a single event and sacrifice. This really, really isn't a good issue to jump in on for new readers, but this issue closes the door on several ongoing arcs allowing for a fresh start, and the fallout of the events covered in the last few issues, to begin next month.

Even as the issue wraps up Casey's story, and steals her memories of her life in the past, we get a few more glimpses of that lost life including the comic's ominous theme written out by our protagonist and a revelation of who David really is (although we don't know how he became the academy's weird ghostly figure).

Although Irina is stopped, Jun (really Hisao) much deal with the death of his brother, Jade is no mood to forgive Ike for threatening her life, and Hunter's weird time reset (and meeting the future Jade) leaves him with several questions, none of which have easy answers. Worth a look.

[Image, $3.50]

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