Fairest #18
The odd plague which was introduced in the last issue is further developed here as Prince Charming loses a pair of fingers to the the malady only to regrow his hand. Whether his healing came from the notoriety of his legend or the discovery of the depths of his feelings for Nalayani is a left a bit up in the air.
I thought last month's issue got far too sidetracked with Charming's story while shoving Nalayani to the background. This issue focuses much more on the pair together. Although it's hard to accept Charming's feelings as true love (wasn't he just gleefully boffing members of his harem an issue ago?) I will be curious to see where exactly these new-found feelings lead the story and Prince Charming.
Fairest #18 is certainly an improvement over last month's issue, but it does have weird jumps in action such as the rivalry back at the maharaja's camp and Charming's attack of the crocodile that aren't properly set-up and seem a bit out of place with the focus of the issue, and whose inclusion disrupts the flow of the story. For fans.
[Vertigo, $2.99]
I thought last month's issue got far too sidetracked with Charming's story while shoving Nalayani to the background. This issue focuses much more on the pair together. Although it's hard to accept Charming's feelings as true love (wasn't he just gleefully boffing members of his harem an issue ago?) I will be curious to see where exactly these new-found feelings lead the story and Prince Charming.
Fairest #18 is certainly an improvement over last month's issue, but it does have weird jumps in action such as the rivalry back at the maharaja's camp and Charming's attack of the crocodile that aren't properly set-up and seem a bit out of place with the focus of the issue, and whose inclusion disrupts the flow of the story. For fans.
[Vertigo, $2.99]