Astro City #3

Astro City #3 continues the story of Marella Cowper, a computer systems major who works secretly for the Honor Guard Emergency Contact Line. At the end of issue #2, Marella realized she had made the wrong call on a cry for help that had blown up into a full-scale war zone in a small village in Ecuador. Whereas last issue was Marella's wild-eyed wonder at discovering the Contact Line and the time it took her to grow into her place in the system, this issue focuses on her attempts to rectify her mistake.

Astro City #3 plays very much on the themes of what it means to be a hero as a call center worker goes above and beyond to rectify a mistake that no one else is blaming her for. Using the door technology, Marella travels back and forth to Ecuador bringing supplies and volunteering at various aid stations, all while searching for the little girl whose call began her involvement in the crisis.

Although it may not be as good as Astro City #2 (which is easily one of the best comics I've read this year), it's a joy to see a comic delve into this side of super-hero comics again. Must-read.

[DC, $3.99]

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