The Flash #22

When the Speed Force killer kills again, the Flash sets out to protect the only other person besides himself who he believes is still tied to it, Iris West, by cloaking her in a suit like his own, which for some reason has hidden the hero from the Reverse-Flash.

After racing around with Iris, Barry calls on the help of Patty Spivot to watch over her while the Flash takes a closer look into the recent activities of Dr. Elias whose Speed Force engine has drawn the unwanted attention of the Reverse-Flash leading to the first meeting between the villain and our hero.

After teasing the confrontation for months the comic finally delivers with Barry pretty much getting his ass kicked by the Reverse-Flash. But I'm betting the Flash gets his second wind. After setting up Elias as a future villain it will be interesting to see what the loss of his invention means going forward. Iris suit, logic not withstanding, provides for some fun panels including her racing around with the Flash on his investigation. And leaving her with Patty allows for a tense conversation between the pair about Patty's relationship with Barry. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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