Larfleeze #2
There's both good and bad news for Pulsar Stargrave in the latest issue of Larfleeze. The good news is he is finally free of his service to his insane master Larfleeze who bit off a little more than he could chew when he attack Laord of the Hunt who has journeyed to this dimension after killing his way through his own. The bad news is Pulsar now finds himself in service of the genocidal hunter.
Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis make a great team. For the second month in a row Larfleeze, a comic centered around a character I have no great affection for, turns out to be one of the best books of the New 52. We get the tail end the battle between Larfleez and Laord to begin the issue, but nearly the entire comic is focused on Stargrave, his current fate, and his befriending of Lou (the hound of Laord not killed by Larfleeze) and Loard's lackey Herb.
I've been bemoaning the lack of humor and fun in the New 52 for nearly two years now and, at least for the first two issues, that's exactly what Larfleeze delivers. Crazy, absurdest, space adventure wackiness. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]
Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis make a great team. For the second month in a row Larfleeze, a comic centered around a character I have no great affection for, turns out to be one of the best books of the New 52. We get the tail end the battle between Larfleez and Laord to begin the issue, but nearly the entire comic is focused on Stargrave, his current fate, and his befriending of Lou (the hound of Laord not killed by Larfleeze) and Loard's lackey Herb.
I've been bemoaning the lack of humor and fun in the New 52 for nearly two years now and, at least for the first two issues, that's exactly what Larfleeze delivers. Crazy, absurdest, space adventure wackiness. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]