Batman and Catwoman #22
The constantly revolving door of Batman and... brings Catwoman to town with a secret mission from the Justice League of America to break into the Chinese Embassy and rescue the young daughter of a defecting biological weapons designer from those who want to use the girl as leverage for force her father to return to his work in China.
The more brutal Batman we've seen over the past few months is back in action, although he does find it in his heart to set the young girl's fears at rest and even crack a smile. Artist Patrick Gleason makes good work of shadow panels as Batman and Catwoman make their way through the embassy's guards. He also provides a nice splash panel celebrating the successful rescue.
Catwoman helps break Batman out of his funk as does Carrie Kelley whose continued perseverance at talking to Damian forces Batman to go to extreme lengths to continue the pretense that his son is still alive. I'm not sure where Carrie will eventually fit in, but any comic with her instead of Harper Row has to be counted as a win. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]
The more brutal Batman we've seen over the past few months is back in action, although he does find it in his heart to set the young girl's fears at rest and even crack a smile. Artist Patrick Gleason makes good work of shadow panels as Batman and Catwoman make their way through the embassy's guards. He also provides a nice splash panel celebrating the successful rescue.
Catwoman helps break Batman out of his funk as does Carrie Kelley whose continued perseverance at talking to Damian forces Batman to go to extreme lengths to continue the pretense that his son is still alive. I'm not sure where Carrie will eventually fit in, but any comic with her instead of Harper Row has to be counted as a win. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]