G.I. JOE: The Cobra Files #3

Without Duke's permission, who doesn't learn until after the fact, Flint goes ahead and puts his plan in action by hiring the Tiger Team known as the Night Creepers to burgle the JOEs home base inside the Pentagon. The first-half of the plan goes off without a hitch, as the group find holes in the heroes security and get the job done. The second-half of the plan falls apart, however, as Flint is kidnapped by the team's middle man when he meets to set-up a second job.

The latest issue does have much action, and actually give us Chameleon, Lady Jaye and Ronin doing nothing more than sitting around and waiting for Flint's call when his plan goes south. When Flint misses their rendevous the deadly female threesome realize they now they need to plan a rescue mission as well as taking down the Night Creepers.

Although light on action there's plenty of story here that sets up a big throwdown between the team and the Night Creepers to come. This issue also gives us Tomax continuing to play his mind games on Clockspring and turn one of Chameleon's most loyal soldiers against her. Worth a look.

[IDW, $2.99]

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