Transformers: Regeneration One #90

Far below the surface, near the core of Cybertron, Hot Rod has discovered the ancient weapons of Primus which gives him control of the feral robots living in the core. And on Earth a semi-functional Shockwave reactivates Starscream to work together to pilot the Ark back to Cybertron. Optimus Prime arrives to late to stop the ship from launching, but he does get his first glance at Galvatron.
There's plenty of action in this issue as the remaining Autobots fight those Transformers held under Scorponok's sway. I'm betting we haven't seen the last of either Grimlock or Scorponok as the two, still locked in battle, fall from sight down a deep shaft. The Shockwave/Starscream alliance has possibilities but it will be interesting to see just how Galvatron fits into their plans. Worth a look.
[IDW, $3.99]