Super Dinosaur #18

The latest issue of Super Dinosaur gives us the destruction of Castle Maximus, the rescue of Julianna Dynamo, the capture of Max Maximus, and the birth of the series' new villain Tyrannosaurus X (who is ever bit as awesome as his name would suggest).

The comic begins with the destruction of Maximus' home base just as Super Dinosaur and his team were preparing their assault, putting all the heroes a bit on edge throughout the rest of the comic, particularly Derek who still can't remember his mother even after the team finds her comatose body (possibly foreshadowing more twists to this story?).

The best part of Super Dinosaur #18 is the evolution of Minimus into the far more deadly threat of Tyrannosaurus X. Aside from looking pretty cool, the character's unique match of brains and brawn gives the series a legitimate super-villain whose far more interesting, and threatening, than Maximus. His addition also pumps some new life into a comic that at times (despite it's absurdly awesome premise) has felt a little stale. Worth a look.

[Image, $2.99]

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