Red Hood and the Outlaws #19

Jason Todd gets little more than a cameo here as the story focuses on Arsenal and Starfire tracking down their friend who, after surviving the Joker's final attack, left them and headed straight for the All-Caste. By the time the duo track him through the Himalayan mountains and discover the secret entrance to the home of the magical monks who continued to train Todd after he returned from the dead, Todd has already made a rash decision which will effect all three of their futures.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #19 is a mixed bag as we're given a Red Hood wiped of nearly all his memories (at his own behest). If this was where the New 52 planned on taking the character I'm not sure why they didn't just allow the Joker's final attack to do the damage.

The issue also has an odd appearance by Essence who attempts to influence Arsenal through his dreams. The point of this subplot isn't very clear (or interesting), but it's arguably better than the beyond bland blank slate of Jason Todd we're left with as the issue closes. The consequences to this issue might be interesting, but this issue is a mixed bag.

[DC, $2.99]

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