Action Comics #19

The much ballyhooed run of creative team of writer Andy Diggle and artist Tony S. Daniel begins and ends here. As you might have heard, Diggle quit the title before his first issue ever hit the stands due to irreconcilable issues with DC Editorial. Daniel will continue the arc doing double duty as both writer and artist.

Action Comics #19 certainly has its moments including a look at what Lex Luthor has in mind for the Man of Steel and a nice moment between Clark and Lois in a Quarac hotel bar that good-naturedly pokes some fun at the most ridiculous disguise in all of comics.

The rest of the comic features Superman battling giant robots (for reasons that don't make a lot of sense), Lex Luthor keeping his shrink locked up for an accurate diagnosis of him as a megalomanical psychopath, and a weird hallucinatory moment where Superman thinks one of the soldiers piloting the robots is Jimmy Olsen (which, also, makes very little sense). Hit-and-Miss.

[DC, $3.99]

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