The Lying Game - The Grave Truth

Picking up right where the last episode left off, Ted (Andy Buckley) has a heart-to-heart with Emma (Alexandra Chando), who he believes is Sutton, at Derek's grave admitting that he and Rebecca (Charisma Carpenter) are her birth parents. He also admits to meeting and talking with Theresa (Yara Martinez) the night she disappeared but swears he wasn't involved in her disappearance. Ted turns himself in the next morning to an irate Dan (Tyler Christopher) who is stopped from ripping Ted's head off only by the timely arrival of Alec (Adrian Pasdar) who shifts Dan's suspicions to Rebecca while still skirting the issue of the twins' secret.
Emma, Sutton, and Laurel (Allie Gonino) agree to work together to find out if Rebecca is involved in Theresa's disappearance. Ethan (Blair Redford) comes clean with Dan about keeping information from him about Ted's whereabouts that causes a rift between brothers that leaves Ethan homeless and crashing on the Mercer's couch - which only frustrates Thayer (Christian Alexander) further. It also creates an awkward, but humorous, moment for both twins and Ethan later that night when Sutton stops by after striking out trying to get Rebecca to admit to her role in Derek's murder and Theresa's disappearance.
In an episode full of revelations and emotional honesty, Laurel and Sutton air out their past issues and come together as sisters. Striking out on their own, Suton, Emma, and Laurel enlist the help of Ethan, Mads (Alice Greczyn), and Jordan (Ryan Rottman) to find what Rebecca is hiding while the twins decide it's time to talk to their father, together. After confronting Alec about splitting up the twins and keeping the secret for years, Ted agrees to help them trap Rebecca, but the best laid plans all come up empty when Theresa's body turns up floating in the Mercer's pool.
The tension of the mystery and its fallout keeps the episode tense and well-paced, but it's the character driven moments such as the twins talking to their father for the first time together and Laurel and Sutton's heart-to-heart that makes "The Grave Truth" the best episode of the series I've seen so far. With the discovery of Theresa's body, and unfinished business with the Ethan/Emma/Thayer love triangle, there are plenty of big questions that still need answers as the show heads into its Spring finale next week.