Person of Interest - Proteus

After receiving six numbers from The Machine (five of whom have disappeared off the grid entirely), Reese (Jim Caviezel) heads out to a small Northeastern coastal town following the only one of the numbers whose whereabouts are known. There he finds an agent of the FBI (Luke Macfarlane) investigating the same case, but both are forced to sit out a storm in a police station with a group of locals and tourists, one of whom may well be their killer. Looking into the man's apartment and basement Finch (Michael Emerson) discovers human teeth in the building's boiler room leading Finch to believe someone has killed each of the six victims in order to assume their identities for his own nefarious purposes.
Unable to get in touch with Reese and warn him about the killer his friend is up against, Finch takes a risky chance by flying a small Cessna through the storm under the guise of a storm chaser and landing it in the middle of the flooded town's square. Using Finch's "storm chasing" equipment Reese and Finch construct a low-tech lie detector as Agent Fahey and Reese question each member holed up in the station about any interactions they had with the killer's last assumed identity or anyone in the station they've never seen before.
Back in New York, Carter (Taraji P. Henson) begins investigating the missing identities their killer stole beginning with the first one whose college roommate's records were meticulously scrubbed shortly after the first victim graduated and went missing. Following Finch's harebrained stunt Carter tries to get to the island as well with Detective Beecher (Sterling K. Brown) who refuses to let her make the trip alone giving the pair a chance to have it out over Internal Affairs' investigation into Beecher's past which cost Carter her shot at the FBI.
With Reese otherwise occupied, Finch discovers the true identity of the killer and quickly becomes the next name on his list. Thankfully Carter and Beecher show up just in time to save Harold's life. Although the six numbers which led them to the impostor weren't a glitch, Finch is still concerned with the three days of inactivity preceding them leading him to suspect that the virus Stanton (Annie Parisse) unleashed may have caused more harm to The Machine than he initially suspected. As to how much harm, and what that may mean for Reese and Finch's future endeavors, we'll just have to wait and see.