G.I. JOE #2

Roadblock, Quick Kick, and Tunnel Rat manage to keep the wounded Shipwreck safe from further harm as Cover Girl and a wounded Doc must deal with not only with the individuals hunting them but naivete of Hashtag who gives up their location to the enemy.
The action heats up in this second issue, and Cover Girl gets some nice kick-ass and wise-cracking moments, as the fractured team find themselves in enemy territory in the middle of the United States thanks to Cobra buying the cooperation of the struggling town's locals.
Cut-off from the outside world, we'll have to see how long the JOEs can keep fighting and how long Duke can hold out before succumming to Dr. Mindbender's mind control. Once that happens, he'll agree to do whatever the Baroness commands. Worth a look.
[IDW, $3.99]