Fairest #13

We still don't know what happened to Rapunzel's actual children, although we do learn that Frau Totenkinder does indeed know their fate (but, despite what her daughter believes, may not actually be responsible for their kidnapping). And I'll admit I would have liked to see Rapunzel stay with Tomoko rather than return to Fabletown with Joel Crow, but as the saying goes you can't go home again.
I enjoyed Rapunzel's story, and hope to see more of her in the future, but I'm glad to see this story arc wrapped up here and move on to something new. The tone of the last couple issues took a darker turn than I was expecting, and, although it works, I'm hoping for a little more wacky fun with Bill Willingham's return next issue. Worth a look.
[Vertigo, $2.99]