Daredevil #24

Although the latest issue of Daredevil gives us the barest glimpse of the villain behind all of Daredevil's current troubles, it continues to hide the character's true identity or the endgame he has in mind for everyone's favorite blind lawyer vigilante.

Daredevil #24 focuses more on Matt Murdock than his pointy-eared alter-ego (although Daredevil swinging around town does provide one of the funniest moments) as Murdock sits helplessly by the hospital bedside of Foggy Nelson offer what support he can, getting a little help from Hank Pym, and finally having "the talk" with Kristen McDuffie over the current state of their post-break-up relationship (even if he'd rather fight Electro). Much like Matt, I really hope this isn't the last we see of Miss McDuffie.

The only real action we get is a gift basket sent to Nelson & Murdock by Daredevil's unseen enemy containing blind hyper-sensitive dogs who nearly destroy the entire office. It's a fun, though certainly not action-packed, issue which fans of the character should enjoy. Worth a look.

[Marvel, $2.99]

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