Batman Incorporated #9

Sure I could sit here and rip apart Grant Morrission's "plot," such as how Leviathan could ever make good on their threats, or the near-impossibility of removing all likenesses of Batman from a city in eight hours. Or I could simply point out the writer's usual brand of mumbo-jumbo that the writer uses in place of actual plot.
Or I might mention how ridiculous the events covered in this storyline appear when (aside from Damian's death) are completely being ignored in EVERY OTHER BATBOOK. You'd think Gotham under siege of a terrorist organization run by Batman's former lover might be something that would effect other Batman-related comics.
Or I could simply point out the completely over-the-top final panel featuring Batman screaming into the cave which is so bad it's laughable. Or I could just say this: Grant Morrison has been planning the death of Damian Wayne for years, and if this is the best he can do with this amount of planning I don't know why anyone would want hire him to write a Batman comic ever again. Pass.
[DC, $3.99]