Scarlet Spider #14
The Scarlet Spider comic makes a couple of big changes with issue #14, changes I'm not on-board with and hope are temporary. The comic begins with the death of Kaine at the hands of Carlos and Esmeralda Lobo who continue to chase Aracely through Houston. The comic ends with Kaine's rebirth as something... new.
As Aracely runs across the city and gets a local gang to take on the werewolf siblings on her behalf for encroaching on their turf, Kaine is stuck in limbo talking with Ero who agrees to bring Kaine back to life if he stops acting like a man and embraces his true nature. Willing to risk anything to save Aracely, Kaine agrees to the bargain only to come out of a cocoon looking far more monster than man. My reaction can best be summed up in a single panel.
I really hope Kaine's transformation lasts only and issue or two as I'm far less interested in reading about a spider-monster assassin than Kaine's attempt to redeem himself and do honor to the name of the Scarlet Spider. Even a short cameo by Ben Reilly can't save this one. Pass.
[Marvel, $2.99]
As Aracely runs across the city and gets a local gang to take on the werewolf siblings on her behalf for encroaching on their turf, Kaine is stuck in limbo talking with Ero who agrees to bring Kaine back to life if he stops acting like a man and embraces his true nature. Willing to risk anything to save Aracely, Kaine agrees to the bargain only to come out of a cocoon looking far more monster than man. My reaction can best be summed up in a single panel.
I really hope Kaine's transformation lasts only and issue or two as I'm far less interested in reading about a spider-monster assassin than Kaine's attempt to redeem himself and do honor to the name of the Scarlet Spider. Even a short cameo by Ben Reilly can't save this one. Pass.
[Marvel, $2.99]