Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine #18

Buffy, Illyria, and Koh work together to take down Severin, but things get a little complicated when they discover what he's after (Illyria's power) and why (to rip apart the fabric of space and time and change the past to save his girlfriend's life).

The issue also includes Xander's growing frustration with Dawn's mysterious illness (which apparently is leading to another "let's trap Dawn in another goofy body" storyline), and the continuing misadventures of Billy the would-be Slayer who continues to investigate Buffy's disappearance that left Billy and Detective Dowling at the mercy of a mob of zompires.

The Billy story aside, the comic works well as Severin's motives (if not his logic) are easily understood and Illyria's ego certainly hasn't been damaged too much for her time in Los Angeles. However, the last few panels make me a little concerned that the old one's time in Season Nine may be very short-lived. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $2.99]

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