Worlds’ Finest #8

Despite delivering the cover this month, the art of Kevin Magquire is nowhere to be found inside the pages of the latest issue of Worlds' Finest. Up until the issue the art duties had been split equally between Maguire and George Perez. Although Perez is on-hand to draw most of the Huntress' storyline in this issue, Power Girl's art has been handed over to a pair of other artists giving the latest comic a somewhat mismatched look.

When Helena is wounded by an assassin looking to cash-in on Ibn Hassan's bounty, Power Girl takes it on herself to have a little talk with Hassan and force him to reconsider the billion dollar death mark he put on her best friend.

Despite having two separate artist working on the Power Girl story it actually works better than the Huntress intro that does little more than set-up Kara's quest to keep her friend safe. It also reminds us just how powerful (no pun intended) Power Girl is when she isn't fighting radioactive monsters from Apocalypse. For fans.

[DC, $2.99]

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