The Flash #15

As Grodd and his gorilla army continue their assault on Central City the Rogues continue to do their best to fight back and Patty Spivot discovers the truth about Barry Allen.

I wouldn't call the third issue of "Gorilla Warfare" filler, but does feel like The Flash is taking a bit of a breather before setting up the rest of the arc. The Flash spends nearly the entire comic comatose, his mind racing through the Speed Force showing him glimpses of the past and possible futures.

The art of these future-glimpsing splash pages is great, as we've come to expect from writer/artist Francis Manapul, but it does mean we get a little less content than usual. By the final panel of the comic our hero finally awakens, with the knowledge of the only way he can save his home is to turn himself over to Grodd.

With two issues left in the arc our hero is back on his feet with an impeding conversation with Patty, and a gorilla army to stop. Oh yeah, and Iris is still lost in time. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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