Fables #124

Had I paid a little more attention odds are I wouldn't have picked up this latest issue of Fables. Instead of a one-shot or the start of a new arc, the issue is wholly devoted to the final three chapters of the back-up story "A Revolution of Oz" (which has been running for the past several months) and the further adventures of Bufkin and Lily Martagon. That's not to say what writer Bill Willingham delivers here is bad, it's just the fact that I haven't been reading the back-up story and felt a little lost for the first few pages.

That said, the further adventures of Bufkin and Lily, even if it seems to be all 80's style montage, is actually quite a bit of fun delivering a love story, fights for freedom, a mad scientist, weird transformations, and the peaceful end to an adventurous life.

Odds are those who have been keeping up with the backup story and know these characters far better than I are going to get more out of this issue than I did, but even for someone jumping in blind there's still plenty here that's worth a look.

[Vertigo, $2.99]

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