Avengers #1
With the launch of Marvel Now!, Marvel Comics gives us yet another rebooting of the Avengers (which was last rebooted only two years ago). The initial team apparently was chosen solely for their big screen appearances, although the issue teases a much bigger (but perhaps not really more interesting) roster.
For our opening issue we're given a team of Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, the Black Widow, Thor, and the Hulk, of which only Cap and old Shellhead really are given much to do. The threat involves a weird group of aliens terraforming the surface of Mars, led by what appears to be a Jack Kirby villain that even Dynamite Entertainment wouldn't be interested in, who have now turned their attention to Earth.
First, let me say I hate, hate, hate the obvious amount of influence the Marvel Studios films have had on this title from the get-go. Not only are we stuck with the, somewhat limiting, movie team, but the comic even finds a way to put Captain America into something far closer in style to the character's movie costumes than I'd like.
The Hulk is part of this team, but because he gets so little time on-panel impossible for someone like me who is not reading the new Marvel Now! Hulk title to guess which version of the character we're getting here. And having him fight Thor, mostly off-panel, in the first issue is far less fun than it sounds.
The first comic certainly teases big, epic-size adventures to come, with what looks like may be a rotating roster of reserves. Far less talky than Brian Michael Bendis' take on the characters, I've got to admit I kinda want my money back for how little Jonathan Hickman delivers, compared to the epicness which is promised in the first few pages. And I'm sure as hell not going to spend $4 more in just two weeks to see where he goes from here. Pass.
[Marvel, $3.99]
For our opening issue we're given a team of Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, the Black Widow, Thor, and the Hulk, of which only Cap and old Shellhead really are given much to do. The threat involves a weird group of aliens terraforming the surface of Mars, led by what appears to be a Jack Kirby villain that even Dynamite Entertainment wouldn't be interested in, who have now turned their attention to Earth.
First, let me say I hate, hate, hate the obvious amount of influence the Marvel Studios films have had on this title from the get-go. Not only are we stuck with the, somewhat limiting, movie team, but the comic even finds a way to put Captain America into something far closer in style to the character's movie costumes than I'd like.
The Hulk is part of this team, but because he gets so little time on-panel impossible for someone like me who is not reading the new Marvel Now! Hulk title to guess which version of the character we're getting here. And having him fight Thor, mostly off-panel, in the first issue is far less fun than it sounds.
The first comic certainly teases big, epic-size adventures to come, with what looks like may be a rotating roster of reserves. Far less talky than Brian Michael Bendis' take on the characters, I've got to admit I kinda want my money back for how little Jonathan Hickman delivers, compared to the epicness which is promised in the first few pages. And I'm sure as hell not going to spend $4 more in just two weeks to see where he goes from here. Pass.
[Marvel, $3.99]