Atomic Robo: The Flying She-Devils of the Pacific #5

Although the final issue of Atomic Robo: The Flying She-Devils of the Pacific is certainly packed with action, it's not quite the level of insane fun that I was hoping for in the mini-series' sendoff.

Most of the comic deals with the final battle between the She-Devils and Chokaiten, the secret organization created by the brightest scientist and military minds of Japan who have set their sites on attacking the United States with Earthquake Bombs.

Most of the action is pretty straightforward, but the comic's best moments come in the battle's aftermath when Atomic Robo looks to see what his involvement with the women has cost the She-Devils (and his own company). We also get a sweet epilogue set years into the future as the granddaughter of one of the She-Devils discovers her Gramms has lived a far more exciting life than she ever dreamed. It's this final scene that really ties a nice bow on the entire series and sends it off in style. Worth a look.

[Red 5, $3.50]

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