Atomic Robo: The Flying She-Devils of the Pacific #4

When we last left our robot scientist-adventurer Atomic Robo had managed to get himself captured by the Chokaiten, the secret organization created by the brightest scientist and military minds of Japan, who have no intention of losing the Pacific. While a prisoner Robo learns a little more about the organization, and their plans to attack the United States with "Earthquake Bombs," before our intrepid hero gets himself fried and almost loses his head to a pair of Chokaiten scientists.

When we last left the She-Devils of the Pacific the group was reorganizing after the surprise attack by the Chokaiten made the jet-pack wearing, gun-toting, ladies of the Pacific abandon their secret island. Looking for a little payback, the She-Devils hit a Chokaiten base, rescue and reactivate our hero, and help him decipher the villains' plans to attack San Francisco in five days time.

Issue #4 sets up the events of next month's series conclusion, reunites Atomic Robo and the She-Devils, and provides tons of action and a couple of very amusing moments. In other words, exactly what you'd expect from Atomic Robo. Worth a look.

[Red 5, $3.50]

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