Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #14

The fate of Casey's father! The secrets of the Utroms! The first appearance of the Technodrome! All that and The Shredder picks his new second-in-command... so why am I not happier with the latest issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

There's a ton of story here as General Krang explains the history of his race, and his home planet of Utrominion in Dimension X. And, much to Karai's dismay, The Shredder announces he's chosen his new protege - Leonardo.

We also get a philosophical discussion between Splinter and Raphael as to what fate should befall the abusive father of Casey Jones. It's an important issue, and deserves the time the issue spends on it, but the writing does feel preachy at times when dealing with such a hot-button topic as child abuse.

My real problem with the issue is the art of Andy Kuhn which I like even less than I did in last month's issue. It's a big departure from the art of Dan Duncan without being any closer to the original look of the characters by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

I love the original look of the characters, and had gotten used to Duncan's version of them, but I'm simply not a fan of how Kuhn's style (particularly the way he draws the comic's four main characters), which is a big problem going forward making me wonder how long I can continue to stay with the comic. Hit-and-Miss.

[IDW, $3.99]

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