Red Hood and the Outlaws #13

The Outlaws' outer space adventure comes to a close as Kory and her older sister lead a battle against The Blight with the help of the crew of the Starfire and their human friends.

The choice to make Roy Harper the sole narrator for this issue works well as it seems to be the easiest character for Scott Lobdell to write (Roy seems to share his jaded but humorous view of the world). The issue certainly delivers plenty of action and we get a glimpse of how powerful the New 52 version of Starfire can be when she looses control and truly lets loose.

Although I enjoyed the final two issues of the arc I'm happy to see it come to and end and return Starfire, Arsenal and Red Hood back to Earth where they belong. Next week should begin "The Death of the Family" crossovers and we should, hopeful, see a confrotation between Jason Todd and the Joker looming before too long. Red Hood and the Outlaws #14 also promises an appearance by Superman. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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