Bones - The Future in the Past

The show's Eighth Season begins with Bones (Emily Deschanel) still on the run from the FBI, with her father (Ryan O'Neal) and newborn daughter, after being framed for murder by Christopher Pelant (Andrew Leeds). However, an anonymous tip (by their former boss) leads the Jeffersonian team to uncover the body of Pelant's high school guidance counselor whose remains may be the key to clear Bones' name and bring her home.
While working on the case, Angela (Michaela Conlin) and the rest of the Jeffersonian have trouble adjusting to Clark's (Eugene Byrd) promotion into Brennan's role. At the FBI Booth (David Boreanaz) is stuck behind a desk with Special Agent Flynn (Reed Diamond) in control of the Major Crimes Unit, and the search for Brennan. As the team works tirelessly to find a way to prove Bones' innocence, Angela is able to get Caroline (Patricia Belcher) reinstated but can't tie the forgery which got her suspended to Pelant. And Hodgins (T.J. Thyne) has his own run-in with the killer.
As clues start to fall into place Angela and Hodgins sneak Bones and Booth into the lab for the final part of the investigation. Although they're able to finally prove the man's guilt and their friend's innocence, and Sweets (John Francis Daley) correctly identifies the psychopath wants one of the group to kill him, the team's victory is short-lived as computer expert has one last card left to play. The season premiere manages to neatly (perhaps a little too neatly) wrap-up last season's cliffhanger and get the show back to business as the credits role. Pelant's final twist, changing his identity, is an interesting choice that means we're likely to see more of him this season mixed in with the show's regular murder of the week format.