Batman and Robin #0

One of the most frustrating aspects of the New 52 is DC Comics' choice to alter timelines, costumes, origins, and motivations for characters without a second thought. Quizzically, the character DC Editorial decides to leave alone is Damian Wayne, someone whose origins could definitely use a little tweaking. Batman and Robin #0 is little more than a summarization of the beginning of Grant Morrison's "Batman & Son" 2006 arc which introduced Damian.

Not only do we get Damian's bloody upbringing and the League of Assassins' army of Man-Bats (really, this needed to be included in the New 52?) but the final panels are directly ripped from artist's Andy Kubert's work. Sadly, but not suprisingly, DC goes straight for Morrison's take on Damian's origins rather than the original (and far superior) graphic novel that introduced the idea of a Batman/Talia child - Batman: Son of the Demon.

Is it worth a look? Maybe. There one or two moments, although there's little here for those who have already read Morrison's story. For fans.

[DC, $2.99]

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