Young Justice #19

The latest issue of Young Justice concludes the Gorilla City arc including giving us an origin of the city unique to the title. The issue also stands out as the final issue with the original team as Robin's case notes transition to a final panel revealing Nightwing thinking back on the adventure. This means starting next month the comic, like the show, will move forward with the "Invasion" storyline set five-years in the future.

Although I'm not thrilled by the rewriting of the origin of Gorrilla City to be nothing more than the effects of the Ultra-Humanite and the Brain experimenting on gorillas in Africa, the story centainly plays out well within that design as the team works alongside Gorilla Grodd to stop the super-villains which leads to the creation of Gorilla City.

We get Grodd, the final adventure with the original core team, and even cameos by Congrilla and Nightwing. That should be enough to warrant fans picking this one up. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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