The Flash Annual #1 (New 52)

The story begins with a little backstory on Barry Allen and his father (which, to be honest, does feel more than a little like filler). We also finally see some of the backstory of the Rogues themselves, including how they came to have their super-powers thanks to Darwin Elias. Sigh, I guess this character is here to stay despite no rational explanation for any of his actions.
Speeding up, the comic picks up where Flash #12 left off as the Scarlet Speester and Captain Cold take on Glider, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, the Trickster, and Heat Wave. Throw in plenty of action, a last second double cross, the return of Turbine, and a crazy ending involving Gorilla Grodd and and army of apes and even at $5 you're going to get most of your money's worth. Worth a look.
[DC, $4.99]