The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 trailer
The first trailer for the two-part animated movie adapatation of Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns has hit the net and the results are... mixed. From what we see here the look of Miller's version of a an older Batman look fairly well represented but my biggest concerns are examples of voice acting we get in the trailer. Peter Weller's Batman is far from the older, graveled voice I was expecting. Ariel Winter sounds okay as Carrie Kelly, although (whether it be her choice or the direction) the inflection and delivery of some iconic lines seems to be off (as in her first introduction to Batman). DC's certainly throwing a ton of money at this (for a straight-to-DVD animated film, anyway) and given my love for the original property I'm certainly going to give it a look, but I do have some concerns. The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 hits stores on October 23rd.