Red Hood and the Outlaws #11

The team's outer space adventure continues as Starfire shares with Arsenal and the Red Hood her conflicted feelings for saving a people who sentenced her to a lifetime of slavery. A little more of Kori's backstory is filled in here along with Starfire's complicated relationship with her sister (which looks to have big implications for next month's issue).

There's really nothing all that interesting about watching these three characters walk around a spaceship and have awkward conversations with one another. Arsenal and Starfire share one nice moment (and it seems apparent that writer Scott Lobdell has decided to put some distance between Jason and Kori, at least for the time being), but Jason's awkward date problems and the aftermath of a battle we aren't shown aren't enough to sell me on this issue.

We also get the continuation of the back-up story featuring Essence hunting down the Untitled (which can't finish quickly enough for me). Pass.

[DC, $2.99]

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