Futurama - The Thief of Baghead

Bender's (John Di Maggio) new photography hobby soon turns much more serious when he discovers that he can get paid by tabloids for taking pictures of celebrities. That's right, Bender has joined the paparazzi and his first mission is to get a picture of the world's best actor without his famous paper-bag he wears in all his films.

Bender gets his picture but also discovers it's not just privacy that requires Langdon Cobb to wear it 24/7. He's actually a quantum lycan, an attention parasite who feeds on the attention of its prey. Looking directly at one, or a picture of one, can drain the lifeforce of an individual - as Fry (Billy West), Hermes (Phil LaMarr), and Amy (Lauren Tom) learn for themselves.

To save the lifeforce of their friends, Bender and Leela (Katey Sagal) will have to deflate the actor's ego by helping Calculon (Maurice LaMarche) beat him in the World Acting Championship by performing the death scene from Romeo and Juliet. A pretty obvious shot a both celebrity and those fascinated by it, but the episode does have a couple of fun moments the best of which is the Professor (West) describing the ridiculous nature of a quantum lycan.

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