Red Hood and the Outlaws #10

Although the story introduces the new arc I'll admit to being a little lost as Starfire's choice to return home (to save a people who enslaved her) doesn't really sit well with the New 52 version of the character. We get short reunions with Starfire and members of the ship's crew (with more revelations for the heroine's past to come), but "the Blight," the invading alien force, is pretty damn generic.
The issue also begins an ongoing back-up story of Essence and a man with a "Life Hammer" hunting the Untitled (who he may, or may not, once been a part of - clarity is not this issue's strong suit).
Although it has some fun moments (including Jason's date), the latest issue is by far the weakest of the series so far. Hit-and-Miss.
[DC, $2.99]