Nightwing #9 (New 52)

Nightwing battles his great-grandfather William Cobb, the greatest of the Talons, and tries to save Mayor Hady from assassination as "Night of the Owls" continues. During the bloody battle which Nightwing barely survives we get Cobb's backstory and his reasoning for joining the Court of Owls.

Although the battle between Nighwing and Talon works, the flashbacks take up far too much of the comic (you'd almost think Cobb was the comic's main character). Neither Dick Grayson, nor the reader, really needs this amount of back story for the Grayson's zombie assassin ancestor.

The Court of Owls storyline, which started in Batman, is working far better in than title than most of other Bat-titles it's spread to this month. In terms of "Night of the Owls" this tie-in certainly isn't a must-read to keep up with the main story, but for fans of Nightwing the action may, may be enough to still warrant picking it up. Hit-and-Miss.

[DC, $2.99]

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