Captain Atom #9 (New 52)

While Captain Atom finds little war and bloodshed he's at a loss in trying to process the fact that he's become a god to those like Ramita and Mikey Parker. Mikey has become a doomsday prophet ready to destroy and remake the world in his name, and Ramita has become a warrior using the power unknowingly gifted to her to help those who can't help themselves.
But it's in the final pages where Captain Atom looks into the heart of the time-space paradox and world killer known as Chromo Mota that he learns the truth about his own future and the destruction of the Earth.
Another good issue of the series that gives us some answers but raises even more questions. Now that Atom knows what his future holds, the question becomes how will he use that knowledge, and what can he do to prevent it? Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]