Scandal - Enemy of the State

Following recent events surround the Amanda Tanner (Liza Weil) case Cyrus (Jeff Perry) has made Olivia (Kerry Washington) and her associates enemies of the White House starting with convening a war council and hiring a private investigator (Leland Orser) to dig up every skeleton in each of their collective closets. Thing are only going to get more interesting now that Olivia has discovered that Amanda is pregnant with the child of the President of the Untied States (Tony Goldwyn).
If that isn't enough on her plate Olivia finds a South American dictator (José Zúñiga) has commandeered her office after his wife (Valerie Cruz) and children were kidnapped that afternoon on American soil. However, a little leg work, and some of Huck's (Guillermo Díaz) magic leads to team to believe the woman wasn't kidnapped, but took her children and sought sanctuary from her husband in a Catholic woman's shelter in D.C.
Given her own history with an abusive marriage, the one Olivia helped her get clear of, Abby (Darby Stanchfield) sides with the wife, not their client, and when push comes to shove is forced to remind her friend who Olivia Pope is and why she's made the wrong call.
Harrison (Columbus Short) tries to nip Quinn's (Katie Lowes) burgeoning relationship with Gideon (Brendan Hines), the reporter snooping around the Tanner case, in the bud before she has to lie to a reporter to protect their client but he may already be too late. And U.S. Attorney David Rosen (Joshua Malina) shows up asking for Olivia's help in saving his favorite newsstand only to be rebuffed, twice. However, Harrison shows up to make good.
A good episode with Cyrus riling up his side to take down one of their own, and Olivia preparing to go public with Amanda Tanner's story. But the episode's final moments throw another curve ball as Amanda is abducted from her apartment, and possibly killed, before Olivia Pope and Associates can begin their war with the White House. I'm just guessing, but I think there's a good chance it wasn't by the White House and rather someone else connected with Amanda (although we'll likely have to wait several weeks to see if I'm right).