Person of Interest - Identity Crisis

Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Finch (Michael Emerson) struggle with the latest number the Machine gives them as the latest person of interest appears to not only be living completely off the grid but two separate lives as well. A little investigation turns up not one but two Jordan Hesters (Sarah Wynter, Rhys Coiro) both living their lives under the same identity.
Reese uncovers a third apartment, also in the name of Jordan Hester, which is being used as a chemical lab to make Ecstasy. One Jordan Hester is running a drug ring, but that means the other, who has been mistaken for the identity thief, is in serious danger.
But it's Fusco (Kevin Chapman), with the help of another detective (Seth Gilliam), who uncovers a previous identity theft victim (Christopher Denham) doing hard time for drug trafficking. With his help, Fusco is able to put all the pieces of the scam together, but it may already be too late for Finch.
In the episode-s B-story Detective Carter (Taraji P. Henson) is approached by Special Agent Donnelly (Brennan Brown) who is actively searching for Reese who the FBI agent believe is selling his services to the highest bidder and has started working for Elias (Enrico Colantoni).
This week's episode plays everything close to the vest, with more than the usual amount of mystery and twists and turns. It may be a little too byzantine, but the effect works well - especially the reveal which puts Finch in very real danger. As to Carter's new partnership with the FBI, we'll just have to wait and see how this plays out over the next few weeks.