Missing - The Three Bears

With the priority of Dax Miller's (Cliff Curtis) investigation changing to find Paul Winstone (Sean Bean) not Michael (Nick Eversman), Becca (Ashley Judd) has no choice but to continue her own investigation with the help of Giannini (Adriano Giannini) and follow the breadcrumbs her husband has been leaving for her.
To find whatever message Paul has left for her in a safety deposit box she can't open without the presence of both her husband and son, Becca has to find another way to access the box. Her choice is to rob the bank, under the nose of the bank's security and Dax and the CIA who are watching her every move.
The episode also includes giving us a harder look into the life of Dax and his romantic relationship with one of his agents (Laura Donnelly). And in her search for Paul, Becca comes face-to-face with the man (Karel Roden) responsible for the kidnapping of her son only to loose him on the streets of Prague.
In the B-story Michael gives up his best chance of escape in order to protect Oksana (Tereza Vorísková) but with the men holding him preparing to be moved his time is running out. The recycled themes of Michael's aborted escape and the CIA's flip-flopping on distrusting and relying on Becca's help are growing a little old five episodes in, but there's still enough suspense to keep the show going even when it appears to be spinning its wheels.