The Flash #8

Although the idea of Turbine is an intriguing one, how writers Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato play out the tale leaves something to be desired. We do get an explanation for the time rifts and how the Flash is connected to the Speed Force. However, everything feels rushed and not quite as well thought-out as I'd like. It doesn't quite stumble, but this is definitely the weakest issue of the title so far.
That doesn't mean the comic doesn't have its bright spots. Manapul's art is again terrific, and even if the ideas aren't as well fleshed-out as I'd like they do open the doors for further discovery down the line. I'm less pleased with the new Grodd and New 52 version of Gorilla City both of which were going to get plenty of in next month's issue. Worth a look.
[DC, $2.99]