Breaking In – Cyrano de Nerdgerac

After Veronica (Megan Mullally) is unrepentant after stealing Oz's (Christian Slater) pudding cup, he enlists the help of Cameron (Bret Harrison) and Cash (Alphonso McAuley) to get his revenge by stealing her assistant Molly (Erin Richards). However, an unexpected result of everyone showering her with attention causes her to admit to Creepy Carol (Jennifer Irwin) that she's fallen for one of the men in the office
Cameron and Cash both attempt to woo her (one in a complete Lando Calrissian costume), both hoping they are the subject of her crush, but they're disappointed to discover it's Oz the sexy English assistant has fallen for. To stop the crush in its tracks Oz calls in the experts in repelling women - Cameron (who's last hook-up left town with no forwarding address) and Cash (who, in his spare time, writes erotic Quantum Leap fan fiction).
Despite their best efforts the date goes surprisingly well which forces Veronica to tell the truth and consequently accept Molly's resignation. However, a little Oz magic helps give Veronica back her secretary, give Molly the office birthday she's always wanted, and put the office in order.
A fun episode all around including a complete overreaction by Oz, a terrific Lando cosplay, and a example of everything nerdy not to do on a date. Also of note, by the end of the episode we have a pair of unrequited crushes, Molly's for Oz and Cash's for Molly, that might make things interesting over the rest of the season.